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Benefit for Palladium Musicum, Inc.:
An Evening Festival at the Villa of
A Venetian Nobleman, near Venice, Italy

The Field Club of Greenwich
276 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, CT
Saturday, November 17, 2007, 6:30 – 9:30 PM

Carl and Sally Gable, keynote guest speakers, authors of “Palladian Days: Finding A New Life in A Venetian Country House.” (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005) and honoring the Center for Palladian Studies in America.  Evening at the Villa Cornaro ora Gable for the guests of a Venetian nobleman, including music, masques, dancing, poetry, and Italian cuisine. Entertainment provided by members of Pueri Cantores Palladio,  the Veneto Baroque Ensemble, and the Atlantic Brass Quintet. Exhibit of photographs of Villa Cornaro, Italian and Venetian Renaissance gardens and book-signing.